Resicom Building and Restoration, a full-service general contractor based in San Diego County, specializes in damage restoration in Escondido and surrounding areas. The team of dedicated Resicom technicians restores homes and commercial properties damaged by fire, flood, water, or mold. The company also provides general construction work for residential and commercial properties.
Resicom considers the following commitment crucial to customer satisfaction: clear communication, follow-through, cleanliness, attention to detail, accessible 24/7, and 90-min response time. This multifaceted commitment is essential when a home or business experiences a disaster, including fire, flood, or earthquake.
According to Earthquake Track, Escondido recorded, from July 2019 to July 2020, over 700 earthquakes with a magnitude of 1.5 or greater. The Escondido Fire Department stated on their website regarding the earthquake risk in Escondido, “An intensity of VI would cause windows to break, gas/water lines to rupture, minor structural damage, etc., but shouldn’t be large enough to cause bridges to collapse. It would be large enough to cause landslides, which most likely will create a problem on the roads in and out of Escondido. An intensity of VII could cause some structural damage, chimneys could collapse, and power lines could be knocked down, etc.”
San Diego County’s large population and the poor seismic resistance of its older buildings and infrastructure make the area very vulnerable to earthquake damage. Estimates are that 36,000 households would be adversely affected, 45% of residential buildings would be damaged, and San Diego’s aging apartments and houses would be ruined.
Escondido and the greater San Diego County area are susceptible to earthquakes and earthquake damage. Residents and businesses must always be prepared since earthquakes do not give any warning. It is vital to know what to do during and after an earthquake.
What to do after an earthquake
Earthquakes are a reality of life for California residents. Striking suddenly and without warning, earthquakes can happen anytime day or night. Over 140 million Americans live in areas that put them at moderate to very high risk of experiencing an earthquake. When a natural disaster or a residential or commercial damage incident occurs, knowing who to turn to is critical for both peace of mind and damage restoration solutions.
Here are emergency preparedness tips from the American Red Cross:
- An earthquake is an ongoing event, and the disaster will continue for as long as the aftershocks rock the affected area. Stay vigilant and safe.
- With each aftershock, drop, cover, and hold on. Frequent aftershocks are a common occurrence for minutes, days, weeks, and even months after an earthquake.
- Check for personal injuries after an earthquake. Shock may dull the pain or awareness of an injury. Obtain first aid or more advanced medical attention, if needed. Once personal injuries have been dealt with, assist the injured or trapped.
- Change into clothing that is more protective such as long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes, and heavy work gloves to protect against injury from broken glass and sharp objects.
- Quickly assess the immediate damage in and around the home or business. Evacuate everyone from the structure if it is deemed unsafe.
- Inspect for and extinguish small fires. Fire is the most common earthquake hazard. Identify and resolve any potential fire hazards, such as spilled gasoline or other flammable materials.
- Tune in to a local radio station for current emergency instructions and information. Purchasing a portable, battery-operated or hand-crank radio prior to an emergency event is strongly advised.
- Check cell phones and any landlines in the home or workplace to see if it is possible to get a dial tone. If necessary, place brief calls to report life-threatening emergencies.
- Clean up spilled medications, bleach, or other toxic liquids immediately.
- Be careful when opening closet and cabinet doors. The contents may have shifted and could fall out and cause injury.
- Assist people who might need special attention, such as infants, children, and the elderly or disabled.
- Take notice of fallen power lines, ruptured gas lines, or broken water lines. Avoid damaged areas.
- Contain pets in a safe area or well-ventilated pen.
- Do not venture into damaged buildings unless there is an absolute emergency.
- Persons who were not at home when the earthquake hit should return only when emergency personnel announces it is safe to do so. Extreme caution is advised. Carefully inspect floors, walls, doors, windows, and staircases for damage.
- Drive carefully after an earthquake and anticipate traffic light outages.
When disaster strikes, the community comes together. When homeowners are faced with fire, flood, water, or mold damage, they can call the professionals at Resicom Building and Restoration. The team is committed to repairing the damage and restoring the home or commercial property to its original, pre-damage condition as soon as possible.
For more information about fire, water, or mold damage restoration, visit the Resicom Building and Restoration website at Contact the team by phone at (858) 227-9700 or by email at
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